Dekalb County Schools Case Study
Business Challenge
DeKalb County School District wanted a partner who could translate the needs of the school system into technology terms. They also wanted to insure their vendor cared as much about the quality of education as they did.
Philotek levered our bullseye approach to determine what the school system needed based on learning and management objectives and then how best to utilize technology to deliver those resources. Over the course of the last 4 years, Dekalb County School District and Philotek have worked on multiple successful projects together. These projects improved the learning experience and children’s safety in the schools as well as improved and simplified the backend management for Dekalb’s administrative team.

- Teachers and Students can now use cloud based technology to deliver presentations, access email, and securely save documents.
- Administrators can now log in and monitor teacher and student activity creating a more secure environment.
- Student testing can now occur using technology versus traditional paper methods saving $100,000’s and allowing testing results to be available in hours versus days.
- Philotek decreased Dekalb County School Districts total rack space by 15% through virtualization and consolidation.
- Greater insight into network and school performance.