Reflexis Case Study
Business Challenge
Reflexis needed to develop a highly redundant, cost effective architecture to service some of the largest retailers and fast food restaurants in the world. Given the global spread of the businesses Reflexis supported and the nature of the workflows the system needed to be available 24 x 7 x 365.
Philotek utilized their trademark bullseye solution design to sit down with the entire Reflexis team from developers to the C Level executives and worked through an architecture that would not only provide Reflexis with the multi-site private cloud they were looking for but also provide them a design that would assist with their compliance issues.

- Reflexis’ Team has an easy to manage architecture that scales with their business.
- Reflexis is now positioned to overcome their compliance challenges.
- Reflexis can focus on their business and application development knowing that the private cloud infrastructure is highly redundant and scalable.
- Greater real time application performance and content delivery.